Fight Against the Smear Campaigns

Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or Undecided, I know you’re tired of the smear campaigns. Especially now that the elections are right around the corner. I for one, can’t wait for the elections to be over with already, because I’m plain sick of the commercials, junk mail, and random phone calls.

This is where steps in. Stop the Smears hopes to play a role in exposing the methods and goals of the people who smear Democrats, so that the people of America can make their votes based on the real issues.

Stop the Smears actually only fights back against smear campaigns against the Democrats, but I looked around for a site in similar fashion to this for the Republicans, but it only came up with John McCains site. Obviously that site can’t be trusted. One site that I do actively follow that pulls out the facts from both sides though is

I recommend visiting both of these site and study them hard before you vote. Unless of course you voted early. It’s still good to know the facts, even if you did vote though.

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