Pinch, Poken, You Owe Me a Coke

Poken - Connect to Friends

Poken is a new social media service with a really cool idea. Whether or not the idea takes off or not is the question, but I really hope it does.

What Poken is, is a USB device you carry around with you at all times. You can insert it into a computer to easily upload any of your new contacts to the Poken database.

Now, here is the what makes this so cool. The USB Poken you carry around with you has a Poken hand attached to it. When you meet someone else with a Poken device, you give them a “high-four” with your device and your data is transferred.

When you go to, you choose which social networks you’d like to share with people you meet in the real world.

I think this is a really neat idea, but I think they need some serious advertising to ever get something like this to take off. It could be damn near impossible to find someone else with a Poken to exchange info with.

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